Wednesday, January 20, 2010

I am 1 month old!

3 week photo shoot

Adorable little man.
Got to have a M&M shot. Also a John Deere shot.
Couldn't resist :)
Mommy and son.

Thank heaven for little boys.

One happy lucky little boy :)

Photo with me and mommy and daddy.

Precious little feet.

Daddy and Keatons hands.

4 generations

Bea Grigo, Carrie Lundeen, Jenn Erpelding, and Keaton Erpelding
Aunt Maggie Lundeen in photo too :)
Bill Lundeen, Bob Lundeen, Jenn Erpelding, and Keaton Erpelding !

Proud grandparents

Keaton is very lucky to have three sets of grandparents who love him very much!

Bob and Carrie Lundeen
Bob and Charlene Erpelding

Paul and Robin Dunaway

The birth of Keaton

Keaton Robert was born on December 17th, 2009 at 10:15 p.m.
He was 7 pounds, 10 ounces, and 19 1/2 inches long.